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Menopause is an inevitable period in the life of a woman. Amenorrhea of one year or less linked to ovarian follicle depletion of capital. Menopause usually occurs at age 50 years and is often accompanied by a series of effects and in some cases unbearable. The diagnosis of menopause is clinical and relies solely on clinical symptoms and signs. These symptoms together under the name of menopause causes vaginal dryness or skin, hot flushes especially at night with frequent sweats; permanent cessation of blood flow (amenorrhea final), decreased libido, insomnia, depression, insomnia, asthenia; accelerated loss of bone density making up an osteoporosis weight gain, etc..

treatment of menopause

treatment of menopause
During menopause, the hormonal functions fall significantly. This is the case for example of LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which block the rules or make them irregular.
The treatment of menopause is hormone replacement therapy for menopause, helps offset the lack of ovarian secretion of estrogen and progesterone responsible for unrest in the short and long term. Generally, they are natural supplements (based plants) that are effective in treating symptoms of menopause. Some components of plant origin called phytoestrogens exert an estrogenic effect on the body. This is the case of soy isoflavones, yams, etc..
The beneficts of menoplant
  • Soothe your hot flashes
  • Treat your insomnia
  • No vaginal dryness 
  • No risk in diabetics

1 Pack menoplant® against menopause 48 Euros

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